Building a Clone of leading E-Commerce Website, Flipkart
Greetings to Everyone, I, Lakshay Sachdeva, is going to share my experience of working on the project with my team members. I hope you will find it interesting.
First of all, I would like to Thanks Masai School to give us this wonderful opportunity.
A Glimpse of Project and a simple walk through of the website
Flipkart is one of the leading e-commerce website, providing anything and everything to the users, as per their orders, and anyone and everyone can sell using this platform, after fulfilling some eligibility criteria as per governments norms. This platforms allows users to get anything and everything at their doorsteps without having any hassle to find something.
Landing Page:-
This is the landing Page, when the user enters to the website, this page will show up. We have worked on sliding images of promotional products using Javascript functionality. And from landing page user can navigate to various products or previously saved products in his cart, or for login account.
Products Page:-
For demonstration we took one of the popular products, i.e. mobile phones, user can navigate to products using the navigation bar or can directly search for them using search bar provided on the top.
This is the product page, where all products are display, by default these are sorted on the basis of popularity, and filters are added currently for two parameters i.e. price range and discount offered, but more are under process, and will be live in near future. User can add products to the cart from here and after user is done selecting the products he can navigate to the cart using cart button provided on top.
Cart Page:-
In this page user can place his order and apply some promotional code if he have any, for now, we made a testing promo code ‘masai30’ which will provide user 30% of the discount, and after that user can place order.
Login and Payment Page:-
When user places order on cart page, if they haven’t login till now, they will be re-directed to login page, otherwise they will be re-directed to address and payment sections. After payment user will receive a confirmation as an alert on the top of screen, if successful they will be redirected to home page (landing page), other wise error will shown to enter correct credentials.
Roles and Responsibilities of team members
Team members:- Geddam Jaswanth, Prajwal Rathod, Lakshay Sachdeva.
On Day 1, we worked on who is strong in which domain and distributed initial tasks accordingly. We decided to work on landing page in last, and initially we created later pages.
On Day 2 and Day 3, we built those pages with complete functionality and styling included, and by the end of cart page was ready as template, but needed a bit of optimisation as it was dependent on other pages, which were yet under debugging process.
On Day 4, we started working on Landing Page, and we wrote html and Javascript first for the Landing page
On Day 5 and Day 6, complete styling, linking and optimisation was done
For me, it is very difficult to thank them for their work as they did very hard work in this project, so it is better to speak their work for them.
Geddam Jaswanth was responsible for creating product page, filter and sort functionality.
Prajwal Rathod was responsible for creating login, sign up, delivery address and payment page
I, on the other hand was responsible for creating landing page and cart page
Also, we all worked on functionality part of the project.
Challenges that we faced while starting Project
For first two or three days we were struggling with github collaboration as it was new to us, and initially we didn’t look into details for flipkart as we use it often, so we missed some key features and on Day 4 we realised those errors and while constructing new parts, we were also working on optimising already created part with more features.
How we approached our challenges
We started our work on our particular branches, and later when it was time to merge then we started looking for solutions there after, and we worked according to plan daily stand ups were mandatory, and is some one had doubt meeting was also called in between, and there we worked on errors and fixing it with team support.
Key learning points during this journey
How to work and communicate with the team.
How to present the project with the team.
How to improve my productivity and accuracy.
How to create real-life websites.
How to improve Self learning capacity
It was a great working experience, working with new team members always increase team working ability, every time it gives new lessons and with experience. In this project, I worked on many functionalities for the first time, and I also learned to implement my educational skills into the project.
Overall, it was a great learning experience while working on the project.
If you want to look at the project, then you can check it out on Github.
In the end, I would like to thank you for sticking around till the end. I hope you liked our efforts. Please like, share and comment your feedback and suggestion down below.